Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ann coulter

Ann coulter is the author of six New York Times best sellers.  She is a major republican and has written many books bashing democrats.  I can let that go.  Everyone has their right to an opinion.  This is America after all.  

Her latest book is not about bashing democrats but single mothers.  Blaming the crime rates and violence in America on single mothers themselves.  I always try to look at all sides of an issue.  Try to understand where they might be coming from.  While I understand maybe her research proves a thing are too I don't understand what her research solves.  I am having trouble taking it all in.  


Check out my 5mins post today.  Give me your incites.  I could sure use them.

While you are at it check outthis mommas response.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

my adventure in vegetarianism

I decided to take on peta's go vegetarian for thirty days.   I didn't make it.  I made it two weeks and quite frankly it was easy.  I felt better moved faster and loved it.  After two weeks I thought: I wonder if I could go vegan? You know see how far I could really go.  Vegan lasted two days when I gave up vegetarianism all together! Even though it didn't work for me I found some REALLY good food.  I tried new recipes discovered new products.  Yes last night I did get asked: Where do you BUY your food at?  I have weird random healthy food filling up my refrigerator but Im telling you its GOOD!

I am going to post a couple of recipes up tomorrow that I promise your kids will love! Aiden drank soy milk like it was candy and fell in love with vegi-dogs.  

Also my giveaway is STILL going on! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

news news news

Next month is Aidens birthday.  I still cannot believe that he will be three years old.  It seems like yesterday I was going to the hospital to have him. Ok I realize I am getting all sappy mom on you here.  Really, where does the time go? How did he grow up so fast? Its astounding to me.  This is his first birthday picture...oh how he has changed..

My site makeover is still going on. Unfortunately there have been some technical difficulties.

I started a new column over at Lipstick to Crayons momspiration. I am looking for successful moms to interview! If you are interested email me at

My Giveaway is right here

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I was so excited when I recieved these in mail. As soon as I pulled them out of the package Aiden was by my side ripping them out of my hands. He wouldn't put them down! LUCKILY I wrestled a a few out of his little hands so that I could give them to YOU!!

Two lucky winners will recieve two paknaks.  So I know what your thinking

They are soft rubbery charms for all of your accessories!  They are super cute and the site gives you tons of ideas of how to use them! Aiden loves pulling them off and switching them around! I couldn't even imagine how big these would be with "tween" girls! You can stick them on everything from backpacks, headbands, lockers, lamps.  I would like to buy some to make a felt board for Aiden to play with.

Sooo I know what your thinking! How can I win some??
First: visit the site
Second: Leave a comment about what you would do with your Paknaks
Extra entires
Tweet it: one extra entry
link this giveaway from your blog receive two extra entries!

This giveaway will end Friday January 16th
Leave a separate comment letting me know if you tweet it and if you link it!


I made it home!! 
There were no major cast atrophies! No broken bones! No fires!
It was great to get out of town and even bette to get home!
My first sponsored review/giveaway is starting TOMORROW.

So I need your support so I can do this again. Come here tomorrow...bring your friends and your friends friends! 

Friday, January 9, 2009


It has been  a long week!
After being locked in the house with Aiden and candy land I was ready for a break...and a little spontaneity.

After work last night I made the long (5 hour) treck to Southern Illinois University.  I am visiting with a good friend and honestly I feel like I am on vacation.  This being my first "big" trip since having Aiden.  I am going to enjoy it. ( as I secretly pray there are no broken arms at home.)

I feel like rambling. I really didn't have much to say except I am over here! so come see me and leave me some love!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The irony of it all

As mothers we all share certain rituals.  One of the most common is our obsession with capturing.  We are always trying to capture everything.  Our babies first smile, laugh, wave, step, tooth, haircut.  We obsess over taking each moment and recording it into baby books.  We take more pictures than we like to discuss and record every moment we can. Well today Aiden had a first and I captured it for all to see!  Aidens first paper-cut:

Ironic isn't it.  I swear he really did cut his finger. you can see a little blood on his thumb. 

Sunday, January 4, 2009


"I love you Aiden"
"I love you too"
At two years old it is hard to tell if he is simply repeating what he is supposed to say or if he truly feels it.  That heart wrenching love I feel for him.  So I ask him.
"Do you? What do you love about me"
He responded with "nothing"
I saw that this wasn't going just as I had planned so I tried a new tactic.
"You know why I love you?"
"I love the way you play with your toys, your eyes, the way you smell, the way you laugh, the way you say please and thank you, the way you sound when you say pwobly. Now what do you love about me?"
As I looked into those precious eyes he got a silly little smirk on his face.
 (much like his fathers)
"I love your KISSES" 
he squealed as he covered my face with wet sloppy kisses
lets face it
this kids got my heart.

Can't resist temptation

So there was this girl and she made me this beautiful necklace. 
It is shown here in this picture.
She made many other beautiful things.  
By hand. 
 In between classes.
Because it is her dream to become a jewelry designer.  
But it is not a dream.
 Because she is one.
So check out her site. 
You will fall in love...or lust...I am not sure what the term is when discussing jewelry.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The finish line

As the new year approached I tried harder and harder not to think about setting weight loss goals.  At this time last year I weight twenty pounds more than I do now.  I have since then quit thinking about losing anymore weight.  Am I at my goal? Heck no! Did I ever reach my goal? Not even close! I have settled.  I have settled at the weight I am because it is easy. I don't have to work incredibly hard to maintain it.  I don't have to workout on a regular basis so why try any harder? 

I have always pushed people to reach their goals.  I believe in striving for the impossible.  I have every intention of entering graduate school and finishing.  However, taking care of my body has taken a side seat.  I would never let my friends or family settle for anything less than the best.  Why let myself? 

So this is it.  I am approaching it.  I am going to shed those last ten pounds and reach the goal I have so easily put aside.  I may have to watch what I eat. I may have to workout daily.  Sometimes, its the effort that makes the race worth running.

Happy New Year

We made it to 2009!

We spent our evening bringing in the new year at a wedding reception! What better way to bring in the new year than to toast to a brand new marriage.  As I toasted with friends and watched Aiden dance circles around the girls on the dance floor something occurred to me.  I was finally seeing my life come together.  I have talked before about the many hats I wear.  Last night I got to see all of these roles come together.  They did not crash into each other but mixed together smoothly.  It could not have been a better New Years! I not only got to celebrate with my friends (some of which I have not seen in a very longtime) and family.  I got to bring in the new year with my beautiful talented son. My life could not be more blessed.

A few of my favorite things!