Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hand Foot Mouth

Aiden woke up in the middle of the night Monday crying.  "My mouf huwrts mom!" He wimpered through the night and we headed to see the pedeatrician the next morning.  He was such a good little guy.  The nurse said where does your mouth hurt (I still am assuming he has a sore throat)  He pulls down his lip to reveal these little sores covering it.  I wanted to cry.  I could tell how much pain he was in.  He had a rash I had noticed to.  Yep. you guessed it. Hand foot mouth disease.  So I have spent the past two days locked in the house with this sick little guy trying to nurse him to health.  He is getting better but continues to milk it for all that he can get:) Pray that I dont lost my patience or my mind.  For it is being tested this week! Thank you for all that entered the giveaway I am leaving it up until the end of the week.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble Gobble!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

a little early..

Give Away Time!!!

So here is the deal! I am giving away this package of Avon care products! They will help you relax and look beautiful this holiday season! Simply post a comment with your answer to this weeks question. (along with your link or email) I will draw on Friday for a winner!  

(If I get a large enough response I may do this every week until Christmas! so spread the word)

Question of the week:
What is your worst mothering moment?
be creative!


I took Aiden swimming last night! It amazes me how big hes gotten he moved through that water like a little fish.  Just thought I would share!

what is your kids favorite past time?

Friday, November 21, 2008


It's friday!!!

Aiden has been at his dad the past two nights! ugh I miss that little man when he is gone! I cant wait to pick him up after class today :)  My post is up at www.5minuetsforparenting.com Check it out and let me know your thoughts.  I am going to see Twilight tonight with a couple of friends (I am a little curious to see what all the fuss is about)  I realize I have just rambled this entire post...but...its a rambling sort of day!

Happy Friday mommy bloggers!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I will be announcing some Christmas giveaways  I will be hosting Monday.  This is the busiest time of the year so I am going to be giving away some gifts to help you relax! Check back Monday for more details!! I am so excited this is my first giveaway!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wordless Wedensday

My little genius

I woke up this morning with Aiden next to me.  I think it was about five a.m. when he snuck into bed with me.  I allowed it because it doesn't happen often. My alarm went off and Aiden hopped up like he had been waiting for me to wake up. (which is totally out of character for him)  He sat up next to me
"Mom, sit up"
so I sat up
"Let's talk, Whatchu been up to?"
My heart melted.  I am still not sure when my son went from being that infant I rocked to sleep to this little person capable of having full conversations with me.  His vocabulary and love for knowledge astounds me.  My friends are always amazed at Aidens curiosity.  He always wants things explained to him until he understands.  The amount of things he is able to comprehend just amazes me.  Ok I am done baby bragging...at least for now!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The hardest thing I have found yet to do as a single mother is take a bath.  We live in an apartment that doesn't have a shower.  I have no choice but to take a bath each and every morning.  I have tried everything from bribing Aiden to sit on the couch to bringing toys in the bathroom for him.  Still I find him standing next to the bath tub asking question after question.  With each response I get the same reaction WHYYYYY!  I wait for the day when climbing into a hot bath is relaxing. When reading a book in the bathtub is a realistic idea.  Sometimes I sit in the tub myself saying WHYYYY! :) 

p.s. I got a new hair-do what you think???

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rainy day

Its is raining and cold! I have been stuck inside with a two year old the entire day! To those of you that are stay at home moms....God Bless You!  I look forward to Tuesdays every week. I get to spend the entire day at home with my baby.  This is the first Tuesday that it has been to cold and gross outside to go anywhere!  Except for our run to the store which took more of my patience than it should have!  We have been struggling to keep busy all day.  The thing about boys...they run and jump and scream constantly!  We get to go to tumbling soon whew out of the house! 

Give me your favorite rainy day activities. I have a feeling this is going to be a long winter!

p.s. I love my baby and realize he will only be this small so long :(

Oh and I won a starbucks gift certificate over at http://rachelzcallahan.blogspot.com/! Go check her out!

Monday, November 10, 2008


When I had Aiden I was only 18.  I was young and scared and was not sure how I was going to handle being a mother.  As Aiden grew I learned.  I watched him and realized that mothering was something that came quite naturally.  I realized something watching Aiden grow that had never occurred to me before.  My mother was human.  She was not some super women who was taught how to handle every situation before it came. She was instructed on how to raise me step by step. 

For a long time I held a lot of things against her.  I began to realize that many of the mistakes she made anyone could have made.  I cannot say that I have forgiven her for everything.  With the realization she was human I also realized how powerful the love of a child is.  Sometimes I think back to the things I went through growing up.  Things were not always handled in the best way.  Seeing how much I love Aiden and everything I would do for him it is hard to understand what she was thinking sometimes.  

I guess you learn as you go.  Maybe one day  I will understand.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I grew up in the Catholic church.  I went through Sunday school, got my first communion, confirmation the whole works.  When Aiden was born he was baptized in the Catholic church just like I was supposed to do.  It wasn't until recently that I really started to question my beliefs.  I started searching for answers to questions I always secretly asked.  While searching I found that I was not the only person in the world with the same questions.  My family never supported my curiosity.  Rather than allowing me to find my faith they handed it to me.

Last night I became a Godmother. I am still searching for many answers. I am still trying to figure out all of my beliefs.  The one thing that I promise to give my Godchild is support.  I will support him in all of his questions about the faith.  I will help him to understand and find his own place in the church, and I will support his curiosity.  Faith is not something you get.  It is something you build.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Social Vibe

I just put a social vibe link on here. Social vibe is definitely something to look in to.  You sign up and earn points and sponsors give money to your favorite charities based on the points you earn! It is kind of fun AND there are some really cool charities to look at.  Link through me (I get extra points!) 

I just put a link of my favorite blogs also...I just figured out how to do them! Check them out and enjoy!
My first blog on 5 minuets of parenting is up today! check it out! I have to say I was extremely nervous after I wrote it.  It seemed like I was barring a little bit of my soul but after all of the loving comments I see that many of us mothers share the guilt we feel inside.  It is good to know I am not alone!  

Aiden's father decided he wants joint custody of Aiden.  I find myself questing my parenting methods more now than ever before.  It seems like I have try extra hard to prove that I am the mother I should be.  I am trying to be calm and know that everything will turn out for the best but it is hard to be sure.  Keep us in your thought!

love love love
and thanks for the comments!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I realized that I completely missed yesterday and where the day went I am not completely sure.  I am having writers block which scares me considering I just started blogging recently.  My main website will be up soon! I am more excited than you can imagine.  I will still keep this blog as a parenting blog and my other site will be much more general.  Ill link it soon! :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Earlier I mentioned some issues I have had being a young mother.  Tonight I was reminded why being a young mother is so fun.  I was able to impress a four year old with my selection of music on my I-pod. :) I'm young. I'm hip! haha

I voted today.  First time ever.  That is as deep as I am going into the subject of politics.  Quite frankly I think we are all a little glad its almost over.

I have been thinking a lot lately about discipline.  Most simply telling your children no.  There are some parents who respond to  every curious little question with a stern NO. On the other extreme there are parents who wouldn't tell their kids no if you paid them.  So where is the middle ground?  How do you decide what is ok and what is not.  This I think is harder for me being a young mom.  Some people think the constant running a young mom has to do is the hard part. HA! The hard part is instilling values into your children.  How do you decide what is ok and what is not when you are still trying to decide for yourself?  Maybe we all struggle with this..I'm not sure feed back would be nice :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

whew! talk about manic Monday!

After having a stressful fight with Aiden's dad last night (I finally took a stand on something) my mind was in a haze all day. I missed my exit to get to school and somehow got myself there! (this is amazing considering I have no sense of direction) by the time I got home at 3 I wanted nothing more than a nap! Thats the hardest part of the juggling act getting home and enjoying your time there...oh the guilt!

We are going out to dinner with my family shortly.  Aiden's dressed and clean(after I wiped the eyeshadow he just rubbed all over his face off)  and I put my pearls in..how Suzie homemaker of me.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

As a single parent in such a busy world it is easy to become overwhelmed.  Stress is a part of daily life.  After the homework is done and dishes are put away and Aiden is tucked into bed at the end of the day that silent time can be the hardest.  That is the time you wish that you had someone to share your day with.  Someone to laugh at your clumsiness and listen to your fears.  It is the time that you wish you could have someone to share the joyous ride of parenthood with.  As single parents the biggest people in our lives are often our friends.  Sometimes all we need is someone to vent to. someone to listen.  I found this quote in Oprah magazine and it touched me.  Enjoy!

"WHEN WE HONESTLY ASK which persons in our lives mean the most to use, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand.  The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate no-knowing, not-curing, not-healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness...makes it clear that whatever happens in the external world, being present to each other is what really matter." -Henri J.M. Nouwen

Saturday, November 1, 2008

wow its November!  I went to write a check today and couldn't believe that it was already November.  Honestly where has the year gone?  It seems like time goes faster and faster.  I think if it wasn't for my constant picture taking I wouldn't know how to count the time.  I know that we had a summer because I have pictures but I don't feel like I had a summer because it went soooo fast!

A few of my favorite things!