Monday, November 3, 2008

whew! talk about manic Monday!

After having a stressful fight with Aiden's dad last night (I finally took a stand on something) my mind was in a haze all day. I missed my exit to get to school and somehow got myself there! (this is amazing considering I have no sense of direction) by the time I got home at 3 I wanted nothing more than a nap! Thats the hardest part of the juggling act getting home and enjoying your time there...oh the guilt!

We are going out to dinner with my family shortly.  Aiden's dressed and clean(after I wiped the eyeshadow he just rubbed all over his face off)  and I put my pearls Suzie homemaker of me.


JenLogue said...

Hey Cassie! How on Earth did you find my blog? Not that I'm complaining. I love new readers. I read all your posts. Your little boy is darling. Can't wait to read more! Welcome to the blogosphere!!! said...

Oh, what a cutie! I can't imagine being a single parent just as most people with one child can't imagine multiple kids. We adjust to what we know, you know?

Welcome to the blogworld.

A few of my favorite things!