I grew up in the Catholic church. I went through Sunday school, got my first communion, confirmation the whole works. When Aiden was born he was baptized in the Catholic church just like I was supposed to do. It wasn't until recently that I really started to question my beliefs. I started searching for answers to questions I always secretly asked. While searching I found that I was not the only person in the world with the same questions. My family never supported my curiosity. Rather than allowing me to find my faith they handed it to me.
Last night I became a Godmother. I am still searching for many answers. I am still trying to figure out all of my beliefs. The one thing that I promise to give my Godchild is support. I will support him in all of his questions about the faith. I will help him to understand and find his own place in the church, and I will support his curiosity. Faith is not something you get. It is something you build.
I could not agree more. My faith was handed to me as a young child and almost, dare i say, forced on me through my mid teens. This caused me to rebel against faith and it has taken me years to come back to believing and trusting that God has my back. I am glad to hear someone else say that it is ok to question and look for answers, because that is always how i have felt.
I love that last sentence. You are right! I was raised a Latter Day Saint aka:Mormon...I've had a lot of ?'s about my faith and a lot of support exploring my ?'s. When I finally decided what was best for me, I felt lucky and excited to be a member of the LDS Church. My faith grew and I am a better person.
If you have ?'s search them out and decide for yourself.
I also believe religion, is a very healthy part of our lives. Believing in something bigger than ourselves, is humbling.
Long story, I know....just came over to say hello from Mom Bloggers Club. Your blog is so cute. Your little family is darling. The only thing I would say, that you might need...is more in your sidebar. Maybe grab some buttons from other blogs you love. You're on the right track.
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